Welcome to my first blog. This blog was created to participate in the course, Explore Alaska! - Alaska Native and Western Perspectives on Land & Climate. The main purpose for the blog is to use it as a posting board as I attempt to answer a weekly Essential Question. I look forward to reading other student responses in their blogs and in doing so, make valuable connections and applications in the classroom.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Blog Reviews

Arctic Updates

After reviewing the 9 Cs for better blogging, I feel like Richelle’s blog, Arctic Updates, has most of the Cs nailed. Her writing is clear of typos, and is web quality. The writing is also concise and didn’t ramble on for paragraphs losing the reader. She adds credibility by including relevant personal stories, such as events during her month long stay in Costa Rica, or her experiences while living in Utah, Wyoming, and Colorado. Each module is titled with a creative heading, such as “Not Gone With The Wind”, and the clean appearance of the blog is improved after the first two blog entries with the addition of a contrasting font and a consistent layout. The writing consists of mostly credited content by referring to links to relevant websites or interesting YouTube videos from various credible sources. In this ways Richelle is able to connect her audience to other valuable resources as well as bring validity to her writing. Nice job Richelle!

Bill-Alaska Geoscience

Bill’s blog, Bill-Alaska Geoscience, is another blog that I feel has most of the 9 Cs nailed. His writing is clear and concise even though his blog entries seem some of the longest compared to other bloggers in the course. Each blog entry is packed with relevant personal stories and images comparing life in Wisconsin to life in the Arctic. The stories or personal pictures add credibility to his blog, and the reader becomes immediately aware that he is a man with many life experiences worth sharing. In addition, all writing and pictures are credited at the end of each blog entry, and most of his images contain captions to allow the reader to connect better to the content. He also posted all this blog entries on time or early, and in doing so allowed other class members to derive inspiration from his thoughts. Thank you Bill!